Sunday, March 20, 2011

Not bad for a northerner...

I ventured into the southern cuisine realm yesterday, with the inspiration of my friends discussing New Orleans Travel, and also the sheer economic value of the dish at hand.

Red Beans and Rice, a recipe I searched for with the surrounding culture in mind-- Jazz musicians, and standard ingredients. You can't get too fancy with this dish,or else you'll lose authenticity.

I think this cost less than $20 to bring together. The link above will show you just how to make it. My vegetarian version was delicious, maybe cooked too long (too much boiling at the end). I'll be trying the meat version on a Monday after following the tradition of making a ham on a Sunday. I dearly love tradition, and very little exists in many modern families, so it's nice to hear of the tradition of wash being done on Monday while beans are on the stove, cooking slowly.

I made my vegetarian version using olive oil, a red bell pepper, and white rice, normally I use brown, but wanted to be very traditional here. I threw in an entire frozen bag of Okra, fresh would be quite lovely--summer dreaming is underway! And serves a bunch, is an understatement. I've got leftovers for ten people!

Enjoy trying this authentic and historied recipe!

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