Friday, March 11, 2011

Balanced, quick dinner of the foreign variety


  I guess it's kind of a big deal because all I had was toast with molasses and cinnamon for breakfast. And a cup of coffee.

Yesterday, I had yogurt and a sandwich, and a hot dog. The day before was french toast and tomato soup with grilled cheese. Tuesday was chicken broth and a slice of pizza, (I'm giggling). ... Monday was toast and chicken broth.  I'd been devastatingly sick, a flu struck me down for two and a half days. 

Tonight's meal was marginally acceptable. I liked how the cottage cheese helped balance the salty taste of the canned chickpea and potato main course. The Quinoa was a necessary addition because it  is a grain and I think it's a complete protein, if not, it formed one with the chickpeas. There was Honey Greek yogurt over the top of the cottage cheese because I wanted a sweet taste. I could have left it out, with the Atualfo Mango added at the last minute.

It was pretty good, but too salty, and then too sweet. I also burned the heck out of my tongue today on some tea, so what the heck do I know? I've also been ill. I'm excited to see what I'll eat next!

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