Thursday, February 24, 2011

For the Cats

I've got a way to garner the attention of your feline friends.

Feed them Kipper Snacks.... on a fine bed of flatbread crackers. This lady has been hanging around for 16 years. Caramel rarely likes anything that's human food. Today, she perked up at the smell of sardines. Sardines are a nice way to get your Omega 3's and 6's, and they can be a sustainable way to snack every now and then when you buy wild-caught. I find that these aren't terribly filling, so you can be sure you'll still have room to munch on your dinner. I don't think they give off too much of a fishy taste, though this variety is packed in mustard. I recall enjoying mustard packed sardines, and these are great! I recently purchased Wheat Thins' Tuscan flatbread. I think of it as just a  fancier Wheat Thin cracker. Try Wasa crackers, as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is truly an excellent cat photo.