Thursday, January 27, 2011


There's little to no positive nutritive value in this posting, except that tonight, it is a creative outlet for me, and for you, it's a treat that you can choose to share and enjoy with a few friends or your kids, if you like to recall that 1950's malt shop taste, without the silver hairs to prove that you were there in your adolescence.

 I credit my Dad with the actual recipe, which I  didn't have at the time, and even now, it is a guesstimation, but, pretty simple! The ingredients  included: Dash salt, 1 Egg, Enough (vanilla) Ice Cream to fill blender about halfway. Add in few tablespoons of (vanilla, chocolate if you prefer) Malted Milk, for taste and texture. Try 1 tsp Vanilla, and fill will milk so it covers ice cream. Blend! Yum!

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