Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Breakfast .. for one!

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It's time to share more food ideas with you.  It was time for the breakfast of a monstrous proportion, at least for me. I'm not a large person, nor do I really require a lot of fuel. I mostly require a lot of love and care. I had a big breakfast today. I would say that the food was very filling. I didn't feel hungry most of the day after eating around 11:30, and of course, taking my time.

Food: Three Turkey Breakfast Sausages, two slices of toast, half an avocado, and a Three egg Omelet. Start: simmer sausages in oil on low -medium heat for 20 minutes, covered. I used my cast iron pan for this messy job. I occasionally rolled the sausages around in the pan to evenly cook them.

Meanwhile, I want to note, this is not a small job, but moreover, a Sunday brunch idea. And it was, except just for me. I didn't eat again after this, until around six o'clock that night. What's Wrong with me?! I was craving deliciousness.  My toast was a (frozen) gluten free cinnamon raisin bread, so, from that frozen state,  it cycled twice in the toaster. And then I spread an Avocado on it, which was the idea of a co-worker, and was really great! Thanks!

I sauteed onion and garlic with Portabello Mushroom, and then added the green and red bell peppers, with the collard greens to follow. It was all great, evenly scattered in the second cast iron pan, while I removed the lid and further reduced the heat on the Turkey, spread the Avocado over the toast, and then poured the three eggs into the pan.

When it comes to eggs and the pan, make sure that your pan is evenly heated, and well greased. I prefer olive oil or butter in this situation for flavor, and as a gauge to the heat level. If your pan smokes when you have olive oil in it, your pan is too hot. Reserve olive oil for low-medium temperature cooking. Read more about Olive Oil labeling in a book called : "Eating between the lines".
I added a dash of cream to my eggs for smoothing out the texture of the omelet. Fortunately, the eggs stayed firm, and the end result was a deliciously spicy, earthy combination of onions in the middle. I once had an awkward relationship with onions. Now they suit me just fine, but, you know, they have to be delicious, and they were. Add salt and pepper, and flip once or twice to thoroughly cook the eggs. I nearly forgot! I diced up some pepperjack cheese into cubes, and then folded the omelet over to allow it to melt. It was... delicious.

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