Monday, June 14, 2010

Past Projects I

This salad is a combination of favorites-- >


It is Romaine Lettuce, Chopped with a lettuce knife (a green gripped handle with a clear plastic blade, purchased at local discount retailers).

Top It Up!

Toppers on this are Carrots, Flame Raisins, Dried Cherries, Green Peppers, Spanish Rice, Pineapple Chunks, Veganaise (Grapeseed type -- Purple jar, although the green expeller pressed is good, too).


It is topped with protein- packed almonds. I prefer raw or lightly roasted varieties. I like to use nuts and seeds whenever I can, if they are around.

Add Dressing; add Flavor!

Sometimes I'll toss a helping of salsa on my salad, or maybe a few chunks of leftover meat or potatoes, or pasta sauce.

My favorite salad dressing is homemade Caesar--- a true Caesar can take hours on end to prepare, but is worth wowing guests and using for multiple items in a meal (i.e. Caesar Grilled Chicken and paired with a salad topped with Caesar.).

I'll use my basic and convenient favorite standby-- Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil, although you could use Flax Oil (shake that bottle up!) as well. I think Apple Cider (Braggs) is helpful to absorb toxins in your system and send them packing.

A Catch All For Leftovers

Salads are open for anything, from Tomatoes to Onions to Celery and the like. It's great to use anything you have sitting around (Garden Fresh Herbs!) and add it in. You can get away with adding heart-healthy fresh Garlic to a salad when you toss that in a bowl with the Balsamic and Oil first.

A Salad A Day.....

Somehow, I end up eating salad every day and I think it's important for your calcium and vitamin intake. Anything you add to a salad is going to make it that much better to taste, and for your body. I find that eating a few bites of salad before a large entree --- and after, can help that big meal to go down faster. I don't think there's such a thing as too much green salad, because it compacts as you begin the digestive process, with every bite.

Salad! A wonderful addition to any meal!

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